Stop in for a cup of coffee

I got to Saigon, and my gal met me. Went to our regular hotel near the party street. I look in the mini fridge, no Beer ???? So I walk nearby to by beer and what she wants. Across the alleyway, two guys are putting up a new Tiger Lighted Sign. So I ask what are they doing with the old one. Gave it to me..:thumbsup: I'll take it to my house in Vinh Long and mount it.
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What the heck Mitch, we have all been waiting for days for new pix of your gal and all we get is a beer sign pix? I mean seriously it is very cool and will look great in your shop/house/pool but it simply does not have any curves to it! Hah! Glad you are safe sound and reunited. Tell her we all said “knee how” Mandarin spelled phonetically for hello, no idea how to say it in VN!