Need help with some lyrics

Well to answer the Question posted by the O P
Just sing Gilligans theme song.

As for lyrics
How do you get. kitchen on the run way
Get your motor running
Or cool water
From Who are you
Well to answer the Question posted by the O P
Just sing Gilligans theme song.

As for lyrics
How do you get. kitchen on the run way
Get your motor running
Or cool water
From Who are you
A little know church fact is that the lyrics to amazing graze fit just about every tune ever written

Especially the Gilligan Island theme

Oh, and this one of course

I’m glad I was an angry metal head in my youth so I didn’t get into the 90’s techno crap!!
House of The Rising Sun/Amazing Grace (Medley by Athens Creek) ^^^
Lots of talent there, Thanks for posting that up.

True talent, gifted people, without the hype.
I’m glad I was an angry metal head in my youth so I didn’t get into the 90’s techno crap!!

That's the crazy thing, in those days I was listening mostly to Iron maiden

But they played that garbage on the radio and it just got stuck in my head

so what's the point that some jack woods stick breath from Hollywood or whatever can mock something that was written so many years ago because they don't have any real talent to provide anything really entertaining or substantial I don't know why anyone would find that surprising at all. The only thing more disgusting than eating puke is watching someone eat puke on a video yep!
and of course, one of my favorite, Iron Maiden "can i play with matches"
When you play metal backwards you get demonic messages, when you play country music backwards the guys wife comes back, his dog is still alive, his truck is running, you get the picture
When you play metal backwards you get demonic messages, when you play country music backwards the guys wife comes back, his dog is still alive, his truck is running, you get the picture

when you play this garbage makes absolutely no difference

"I met her on a Monday. She was the best. Come Sunday mornin', I needed rest. She didn't shave. She didn't use Neet. She tried to use my face like a bicycle seat."

-Corporal Stitch Jones