What do you call?

1. What do you call a sleep walking Nun... a Roamin Catholic....

2. My wife and daughter are leaving me due to my obsession with horse racing.

They’re at the gate and they’re off......

3. A sign in an automotive shop-----We guarantee fast service no matter how long it takes...

4. I don't care how nice the soap smells...You should never walk out of the restroom sniffing your fingers...

5. You know what's worse than raining cats and dogs...Hailing taxis...

6. Is a really dumb ox an oxymoron...

7. Want to hear a joke about paper... Nevermind it's tearable...

8. What do you call an obese psychic..

A four-chin teller....

9. Did you hear that Santa got sick this year.

He had tinselitis....

10. No one’s managed to see the new movie ‘Constipated’.

It hasn’t come out yet.