Finally Another

I've had 3 - 72 Dusters, a Honeydew 318 with white stripes, Sherwood Green 340 with black stripes, and a Sherwood Green 225. I totaled all of them. I owned the first two in high school, and the 225 when I was 23. I was doing 110 in the 318 after putting glass packs on it, and the right front tire caught the edge of the pavement going around a curve. It caused the car to skid, and I rolled it several times. The 340, I was stopped to make a left turn and a drunk guy in a station wagon rear ended me. It pushed me into oncoming lanes in which two other cars hit me. The 225, a lady ran up the shoulder while I was making a right turn. Needless to say, life happened after that. In trying to relive my high school days, I've been looking for another Sherwood 340. I gave up several times. I looked at buying a 73 or later but found 72 conversion parts hard to find. Well, I just picked up a 1971 unmolested, numbers matching 340. The only non-original feature is buckets, steering column, and console (which is what I wanted). It needs work and I was going to repaint it green, but I think I'll keep it Lemon Twist. The engine has a 500 mile rebuild on it but needs cleaning and painting. I remember my dusters never handled well, so I'm looking to upgrade the suspension. I hope to gain a lot of information from this forum and all the experts out there. Thanks

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