Deleted thread ? Really ?

That IS the name of that sub forum, yall. NEWS and POLITICS, because one usually leads to the other. Bein a moderator ain't a payin gig and that's somethin either we forget from time to time or some people just don't even know. That's where those posts BELONG. Just because You or me or everybody else might think it's harmless, doesn't make it right. The mods already have enough to do without "worrying" about whether or not a thread might go sideways too much for the regular forum, so somebody made a preemptive strike (and a smart one) and moved it. ....and before you jump on me for this message, I'm not a member in N&P so I'm going to miss the discussion, too. It's their forum and their rules, not ours. I think sometimes we forget that. I know I do.