sand blast cabinet update help please

i have scat blast cabinet that i bought in 1994. needs some upgrades i think. looked at you tube on the hf upgrade and tried talked to tacoma co owner. they moved from washington state to utah and can not get an answer on either number. i found another place that is called and saw some of their videos on you tube also. the price difference is "wow". tacoma is about 700.00 by the time you get their upgrades and the other company is under 300.00. anyone have any other companies they have had good luck with? both kits remove the suction tube and have a pipe in the trap door, along with other mods. tia. rick w.
Maybe I am dense, but I do not understand your question. I also have an older Scat Blast cabinet (about
16-17 years old). It is the 960 model. Last year I bought a new vacuum, all new gaskets and some new parts for the inside. Over the years I had blown some holes in a few braces and the floor. So first, what model do you have? I cannot recommend upgrades if I don't know what you have. Second, I do not understand what you mean by 'upgrade'. That can mean so many things. So it is pretty tough to make any suggestions. Exactly what do you want to change and/or upgrade? It might be easier to just sell yours for a few hundred dollars and buy a new Scat Blast cabinet.

X2 on the TP Tools gun upgrade kit. Invest in carbide nozzles if you blast a lot -- they'll pay for themselves almost immediately.
Aint that the truth. I can use a carbide tip for two years.