How often do you guys start your car over winter storage?

I agree with either start it up and at least get it to full operating temp or better yet drive it around, or just leave it alone until winter is over. Short cold starts that don't let the oil get up over 212 degrees to boil off contaminants is doing more harm than good. On that note it's more difficult to get the oil warmed up when the engine is spinning slowly and isn't under any load.

I'm lucky here in the Rockies region, we have snow and salt but in between snowstorms it gets sunny and melts most/all of the snow away. So I just drive my Duster once every week or two when the roads are dry and there's minimal salty snowmelt runoff. I get withdrawal symptoms going much longer than that without driving my Duster anyway lol.

As I type this we had a storm a couple days ago which just mostly melted today but this morning my phone said it was 2 degrees out so that was a "No thanks" to driving the Duster (car does fine but heater just ain't that strong). Aaand we're getting another storm tomorrow, grrrr...