Lost my temper today.

It takes a hell of a lot to get me to the point of throwing a punch, and I will not throw the first one. At 6 ft 7 inches and close to 300 lbs, when my fist makes solid contact, the other guy doesn't typically come back for more. Haven't had occasion to punch anyone in decades now, the last guy that thought he was tough enough was KO'd with one shot. I was always more likely to break up a fight than be involved in one, and these days I just avoid idiots as much as possible.
I agree totally with you Randy.
You are very much a ''gentle giant'', and that's a good thing.
We couldn't be much more opposite in stature though.
I'm 5'5'' and about 210.
Let's just say I've won more fights in my past than lost, and mostly with guys that were much taller than me.
And mostly over playing pool at the bars.
I was pretty good, and a lot of guys thought I was a hustler.
Even though I rarely played for money, I guess most people don't like to lose with 6 balls left on the table.....