Machine shop 440 Mopar questions?

His fault in all this is not covering ALL these things before he agreed to do the work. You shouldn’t be buying a torque plate unless you can make money with it. The shop should buy the plate. Grinding the crank isn’t a big deal unless you measured it and it was good. There was a time if a guy had a standard/standard crank they’d lose their mind to turn it. They’d live with undersized and/or out of round journals and spend hours mixing and matching bearings. It was insanity squared. Turning .100 or even .150 off a throw is no big deal so .010 for a straight round journal is nothing. That’s far more important than a standard crank.

He should have used a torque plate. FWIW, thinner rings will out seal those obsolete rings every way. The thinner you are under 5/64 rings the better. A 1/16 ring should be considered obsolete by todays standard for anything.