66 valiant no start

4..Battery / starter........Clip your multimeter to the starter stud and block. When cranking, you should see AT LEAST 10.5V the more the better. If not, check connections/ cables / battery condition and charge

If you have more than 10.5 at the starter, move the meter to the coil + terminal, take TWO measurements. With key on in "run" position, if you see "full battery" either the points are open or bad. "Bump" engine until voltage drops, the points are now closed. You want to see maybe 8-10V or so at the coil. This shows the points are closed, drawing current

Now crank engine and read meter. USE THE KEY to do this. Now the bypass circuit is active, and the coil voltage when cranking should be "same as battery." IN other words if you got 11V at the starter stud when cranking, then you should see about that at the coil+ when cranking
Thanks, I'll give this a shot as well. I'm thinking the battery has something to do with it but thinking I may have some issues with the points as well.