way to go cincinnati bengals

Hahahahaha to the Chiefs for the bonehead close to the first half. Mahomes with the dumb play of the year.

I sent a Chiefs fan this after it happened "Gonna beat great if that stupid choice cost them 3 points and the game at the end." Welp end of game and instead of a FG to win it, you get to head to OT. LMAO Hope the idgits that run the show enjoy the early vacation. I'm amazed at the outright knucklehead play calling and time management in these games.

Then the Lambs... Another stupid horrible throw by "Stiff"ord picked off in the EZ. Rams leave anywhere from 6-14 first half points on the field with poor play. Then with a 2nd and 1, they get some dumb playcalling rolling to end up short on 4th and 1 to turn it over on downs. "Stiff"ord launches another prayer deep and is lucky the safety has hands of stone. Lambs get lucky and move on. If SF had a real QB and not Go Flop Some Mo, they run the lambs out of the building.

If the Rams pass rush can do something similar to what the ravens did to Cincy's OL, the rams will win. Gonna be Chase vs Ramsey outside.
Ramsey, lord have mercy he was trying to fight the kicker, what a loser