DARTFREAK75 vs 318willrun at nonamenationals ??

I was the reason one race did not happen. I did not get my junk running in time. But, 318willrun and I never did bicker about it. We even threw a lot of ideas for our projects back and forth in PMs and phone calls. Either one of us would gladly help the other. I did get a lot accomplished on mine, and trying to get ready for "the race that did not happen" is the reason. So, I am glad for it. Fun times for sure!

I hope both of these guys are able to make it. Win or lose, I bet they'll both be grinning at the finish line.
Sorry, Sam, I was not inferring that you 2 were bickering (I honestly forgot about your race, you guys are chill)....There were others that crossed my mind when I wrote that.