Any electricians in the house?

The OP needs a professional electrical contractor experienced in generator and solar to get what he needs done. I've worked at the power company for 44 years, most of them as a lineman, and seen every kind of dumbass (not accusing anyone here) homeowner generator installations.
1- Saw a homeowner in Tulsa, Ok all excited that the power had come back on, and dumbassed his disconnect procedure on his generator. Blew his own panel up and had to go to the ER for eye injuries.
2- Silsbee, TX in 2005. Because we followed our safety procedures to a T, we burnt down a shed housing one of those big, high dollar Honda generators you can hardly hear run when you're standing right next to it. We made the line hot and smoked the generator we never heard.
3- Found generators backfeeding the lines in Watertown, NY in 1998.
4- Florida 2004. Had to wait on the fire dept. to put out a fire when we had rolled up to put wire back up. Homeowner had rigged up a generator with a drop cord with 2 male ends and didn't cut off the mains. :realcrazy: That fed 120 volts back thru the transformer, which turned that 120 volts into 7200 volts back out the top of the transformer, which fed back onto the line laying on top of a car. Car tires exploded from the high voltage and the car caught on fire....gas tank exploded and started a big fire.
I could list more, but hopefully the above will illustrate the point that any type of alternate energy source needs a failsafe disconnect that is professionally installed.
Good luck to the OP....and just do it right.