"Bare-Bones" Slant

Yup done the same many times on most of the vehicles I have owned.
Like on my 85 d150 It came to me with the front cat disintegrated and the guts of which plugging the rear cat. And it came with most of a lean burn setup but not the type with computer feedback to carb.
All is history. Have a newly built '74 forged crank 225 with increased compression, reground cam, ported head with oversized valves and a super 6 topped by a brand new NOS "318" BBD that is cataloged for a 77-78 truck with "heavy duty" emissions (which back then essentially means "no" emissions hardware)
Almost ready to drop in. Should happen this spring once I can work with the garage door open.will probably hook up the charcoal canister but no egr and no cats
I'm curious to see your set-up. Keep up posted?