Post the car you learned to drive in...

My father had a new '65 Chevy Bel Aire and that's the car I learned to drive in. On the day of the exam my older brother came to pick me up and take me to the test location. When he got to the house to pick me up he said dad's car has a flat and we don't have time to change it, so we'll take my car. THIS was it. The queen friggin mary, they must have christened it with champagne when it was built. Still remember the look I got from the examiner when we rolled up, somehow I passed.

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As soon as I got my learners permit I used to drive my mom to church every Sunday in this...Queen Mary, meet the Titanic! My older sister too the test in this. Parallel parking and everything.
In a copper color. Rear seat had 4 feet of legroom.