I got a heavy bucket

Dont get me wrong I can see the value in cross fit.

For one, they take our used tires for free off the big trucks.

It always gave me a laugh to watch folks pay money then pretend to do work.

Id be thinking. **** come to my shop. You can move heavy tires around for free. Stick around long enough and I will pay YOU to move the dam tires.

Then there is "step class" OMG....

Literally, RIGHT OUT SIDE the big windows is a big *** stair case that us poor folks HAVE to walk up. I guess in theory I was paying to walk up it because I payed rent there BUT no one says you cant walk up it and down it for free.

I get it. They have desk jobs and want to stay healthy and active but as a guy who worked manual labor most of my life it dose make me chuckle to see folks pay money, then pretend to do work.

I always wanted to tell them. Someone is supposed to PAY YOU to swing a sledge hammer.... and its not for hitting old tires...
