How could anyone be this mean

Orca and Dolphins.

The high aquatic mammals do some very disturbing things.

Rape, drug use, killing for fun.

Its kinda crazy.

I wnt on a whale watching trip in Alaska. We went out in a little aluminum boat and the Orcas came.

They were literally playing with our boat.
All the other tourists were like, Oooo, Ahhhh OMG.

the entire time im thinking "the only reason we are alive right now is the have decided not to kill us." Sometimes they would swim super fast at the boat then go under it at the last second. They would "spy hop" where there eyes are out of the water and they are looking at you. I swear. It was one of the sketchyest things I have ever done and no money on earth would make me do it again.
Where in the world do dolphins get drugs?
The ghetto of Atlantis?

It is worse than "the cat." It is now well known that people who abuse animals----also abuse people

One of the markings of a serial killer in the makings for sure