How could anyone be this mean

Not necessarily towards you, but for any youth that read your post->try to ignore, talk your way out of conflict (IF possible) and walk away if possible (“When all lesser means have failed or cannot be reasonably employed”-{part of the definition of when to use deadly force}), BUT BUT BUT!, don’t ever let them strike first.

this coming from someone that stood up for several friends at age 17 and let the younger, much larger bully get the first punch. Huge life-lesson mistake. He put my nose under my eyeball. I could not see anything but red for 2 eternal minutes of a brutal fight. My nose is still crooked. He quit fighting because I was past the point of fear, or self preservation. I wasn’t going to quit. (Although I put my knee through his forehead and it did not phase him.)
People, if you HAVE to fight, there isn’t any honor anymore (unless among friends and I simply don’t understand that mentality) so don’t fight fair or strike second.

fight for a good reason, fight to win, fight dirty if necessary. There is little logic in mercy when pressed to conflict and beyond confrontation.
I don't generally get into fights, I do try to de-escalate things as much as possible. My post in the other thread referred to that, as well as the fact that I stand 6'7" tall, and tip the scales at about 300 lbs, and when I have had to resort to fighting back, most opponents don't come back for more after the first shot.
Yes, I do agree with you, good advice to avoid confrontation, especially in today's world where you never know what weapons someone might have.