How to ruin a classic muscle car era Mopar

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I litterly have everything done to this car that folks here listed as not liking.

Stickers, check.
Stink bug look, check.
Big *** wing, check
One million gauges, check.
Ford rear end, check.

When I built that car it was not built for sale. That was "my" car. I built it just for me. The entire car was fitted to me.
Everything about it was exactly what I wanted.

The strange thing is this. That will probably be the LAST time I build a car "just for me".

I always worried about not being able to sell it because it was so much "my car".

Lucky my dad decided he wanted it and is now dealing with all the problems of biuying a car that is such a one trick pony.

So did I ruin that dart?

Well yeah kinda but I set out to ruin it from day one. And It's only ruined if you plan to be in the car for more than 15 min. Other than that its perfect. (To me)

Now this is Badass.:thumbsup: