Mid 12's with a 318 head 360?

well, that 7.20's is fast but it is no street car. It's strickly drag. I like Mopar joe's content and we chat now and then.
I know, it Really is Apples to Oranges. Mine was raced a Sunshine Speedway in the 90s quite a bit. The owner/ rider owned Tampa V-Twin. And she is way heavier than me. At the time I was riding to Framing jobs, strapped with tools ( a Sawzall w/ a 12" blade flying outta saddlebags gives the motorists a Lil something to consider, lol) it was 04. There is NO Way in Hell I would even consider it today. Unless I had to...I'm 18 years older, and the amount of people here on the roads is bad enough, then consider the ones that ain't got a cell shoved in their faces, never drove till they got here...