Newest Weight Loss Program

Wife craved Wendy's after 3rd (and final!) labor. It was across the street so....should have seen the look on the other lady in the recovery room when I walked in with 2 bags! I got her Taco Bell after our 2nd!
I got volunteered to go get a whatchamacallit bar once, during a Michigan snow storm

It was so bad i could not see my own hand at the end of my arm, and i was asked to risk my life in that to buy her a chocolate bar

I said, no problem baby, but im getting you a box of diapers too because I know what this means...and I was right

When our second one was born (8 months later) I made a run to Macdonalds at about 4 AM, cause not only had I allready done my part, I had allready seen what was coming next