A question for the snowbirds

I live in Southern Arizona, and we see many seasonal visitors during the cooler months from colder climates, AKA "snowbirds." We welcome them. They are wonderful people and an important part of our economy.

I've never been able to ask this question personally, so I'll post it here. In Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, is it customary to drive 10-15 miles per hour below the speed limit? Or do you do it here simply because you're unfamiliar with the landscape?

Serious question.

You aren't the only ones to have them just a different season.
We instead of calling them summer tourists we call them summer terrorists. They are from southern states and states to the west of us.
Living in northern Minnesota along the shore of Lake Superior the speed limit is 50 along the the lake shore and they drive 10 and in some cases 20 mph slower. It's not like there aren't rest areas to pull into to enjoy the view of the lake they have to drive and gawk.
They may be annoying at times but they are a big part of our economy in the summer. So it's worth the inconvenience.

Oh to answer the question the ones that are snowbirds. When they are back home up here they still drive slow.