Why I can't buy a Tesla

I was reading about submarines the other day and was surprised to learn, some of the finest submarines in the world are made in Virginia at a company called EB. (Electric Boat Company)

They company was founded way back in 1908 or so (IIRC).

They started building small fully electric and diesel electric pleasure yachts for the super wealthy.

I wouldn't mind taking a tesla down the cost on HWY1 and beating it like a rented mule.

Its a fun road for a car that can hold corners and has torque. I hear thats two things those ugly S.B.s can do well.

I bet it would be a great drive, altho when im out there doing it I never see any?
My guess is its to far from charging.

I have almost run out of gas out there a few times and boy you start sucken that seat cover up the butt. (Its like if I have enough anxiety, I can levitate over the seat and pick up some MPG) There is no cell service, and nothing but cliffs and ocean for a big part of it.

Yeee Hawww!