Unreal intake manifold cost

In the past that was true.
But if you have been paying attention, the world we knew and loved before Biden, is no more and it is not likely to ever come back. Evil has come to North America. The people; do not /can not /will not, see/accept it, so this evil will be the cancer that kills most of us. When you see what you need or want, buy it while you can.
Every day that you wait, is another day that your money is slipping into worthlessness. May I suggest a freezer full of meat, a cabin in the woods near a lake, with a patch of arable land, and a plow-ox.
I transport muscle cars for a living and have been to Mecum and Barrett-Jackson auctions in January. Prices on cars have skyrocketed again like in 2008. People are having their dream cars moved like I have never seen, I am so busy I am turning down transports! People are freaked out about the direction of this country and the world and want to get things they always wanted, therefore prices are still rising. It is hard to get a car into any restoration shop worth it's salt too, most are booked out for years...