Why I can't buy a Tesla

If you also read up on submarines (pre nuke) they were dangerous, smelly, and had short range underwater. The batteries were incredibly dangerous, read that, deadly, and TOOK TIIME to recharge.........with diesel power. Now transpose some of that into your "new Tesla."
Maybe not quite so dangerous or smelly, but still short range, and takes time to recharge. The difference is, "most Teslas" don't have a diesl genset on board LOLOL

On a side note, I once visited a friend in port who was in training on one of the last diesel "fleet" subs in the '70's. That can had been in port for weeks, with all hatches and doors open that were safe to be open, and STILL smelled like a combination of battery acid, vomit, ****, stale food and sweat.
There is a huge difference between lead acid batteries and lithium ion much like a P 51 and a F 35