Why so many gloom and doomers on this site

Many many years ago before there was an auto parts store on every corner I was out at Norwalk and needed a head gasket. I was in the grandstands talking to a local truck driver and he was giving me directions. The last part of his directions was make a left one mile before the road ends. Not willing to drive off the end of the road I searched out someone else for directions.

My Dad was a truck driver from the late 70's to the mid-00's. You can literally call him from the road in any state and ask him "I'm at Hwy XX in BFE, how do I get to XXXX."
He'll tell you exactly how to get there. It's amazing! But the guy can't find the on button on a computer. LOL. And you know what? He's not online bitching about the price of parts on ebay.