Why is my oil pan bolt touching my drag link? Pic included.

I would assUME wrong pan, but yeah, like rumblefish suggested, I would check the center link, because I HAVE seen them installed backwards before. I HAVE a 67 and up A body pan here I can get the measurement from the back edge of the pan to the back of the sump, if you want.

There is no real issue when the center link is installed wrong handling and alignment wise? I am starting to believe this is the problem.
I had a ‘71 Dart many years ago. I brought it to my mechanic for some things I wasn’t up for fixing on the front end in the snow….

A few min he later, I was back for an inspection. He says to me, “Some idiot installed the center link on backwards, did you touch it?” I said no, I did t touch it, you touched it last.

Embarrassed, he apologized…. Yup! 25 year long Chrysler mechanic made a boo-boo! LOL! **** happens!

So it being installed backwards would only be a clearance issue? That is starting to make sense.