Why so many gloom and doomers on this site

But what pissed me off was your statement that you are "annoyed" by us old farts complaining about how much better it used to be. It was and that was a fact.

That's your opinion. And that's OKAY. Just remember that someone else may have a different opinion and you shouldn't let it piss you off. There were plenty of people sleeping in a house with no heat and eating (barely) once a day "back then". I am sure they would say that THIS is the good ol' days.
Look at the data. Income disparity, consumer prices, interest rates, energy supply, ..... I'm not listening to anyone here telling me what was and wasn't the good ol' days unless they're a statistician, economist, or historian.

Even then, I'm not going to let it get me bent out of shape because you can only worry about what you have the power to change. I can't worry about how it was in the 70's when we had a shrinking economy, record inflation, oil shortages, ..... or ..... cool music, fast sex, pure coke, and LD340's for $25. I can only deal with what's in front of me now.