Dog Food Thief

That's what good cats are for. I walked out the back door a few days ago and I see a mouse head......some guts.....and a mouse *** and tail all about a foot or so apart each and Sarah, our Siamese and the only in and out cat is sittin on the patio bathing. lol Cats are nature's perfect killers.
I bet you don't see many mice in your house.

i made some ramen noodles for the kids the other day
they didnt finish it all so what was left went in the potty

i figured, next time i pee, ill flush it (no sense wasting good water)

so i get up the next morning and go to pee, only to find a dead mouse in the potty
he musta gone in for the soup and drowned in it
Thanks for putting that image in my head. You should have taken a picture. Great pictures like that is why @pittsburghracer is so famous.