Help determining 340 cam

I , me personally, would not run that big of a cam on the street.
I, me personally, already ran a 292/292/108 cam which I measured at [email protected]. I ran it in a 367 @11.3 Scr cranking about 180/185psi
I ran it with a manual trans and 3.55s
The problems were;
1) the power peak on mine was up around 5600. Shifting at 6000 then; which in First gear with 28" tires is 53mph. With an automatic, and 3.23s; that would have been ~57mph . That's all good but;
2) second gear for the 4-speed tops out at 6000=73; whereas;
for the auto, second @6000= 96mph; at 65 the rpm in Second is just 4060, fully 1540 below the power-peak of the 292 cam. Do you see the problem? Obviously first gear is fine. Just as obviously you are almost never gonna run , to shift-rpm in Second, on the street.
3) With iron heads, you cannot run 185psi,
but if you don't max out your pressure for the fuel you plan to use,
the bottom line is, that the bottom end (low rpm) is very likely gonna be a lil soft...... which forces you to run more stall then you might want to, therefore;
4) taking the above into consideration; [email protected] in my case, was a bad idea. I pulled the cam before the end if the First summer and sold it to a racer, who was very happy .
5) the cam I then installed next, was a 223/230/[email protected]; but I reduced the Scr to back off the pressure a tad. Best cam I ever had.