MSD wiring

No longer a ballast resistor in the ign circuit and a 1 wire alternator.
You either didn't read or did not understand. YOU MUST tie the ign1 and ign2 together to get the MSD (or any other non ballasted ignition) to work, because IGN1 "run" GOES DEAD in crank, so you need IGN2 "bypass" connected to fire the thing during crank

HERE ARE THE ONLY outputs on a Mopar ignition: in either accessory or run, this obviously powers...."accessories"
RUN, IGN1, this is hot ONLY in run and goes DEAD in start. Runs the instrument panel, warning lights, and goes out into the engine bay, and powers the ignition, the alternator field, the VR, electric choke if used, and some smog doo dads on some models

BYPASS, ONLY in crank, this goes out into the engine bay and connects to coil+ end of the ballast (usually brown) and provides THE ONLY power available to the ignition for start

START, often yellow.......goes to start relay to initiate starter. In '74, this goes through the seat belt interlock box. This contact on the switch mimics BYPASS but is a SEPARATE contact and is done to prevent circuit backfeed

YOU MUST connect IGN1 and IGN2 together, either at the switch or out in the engine bay and use that to power the underhood loads