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Sorry to hear that. They're not going to put her in one of those waist to armpit casts? Are they? My high school buddy broke is collar bone after riding his dirt bike head on into a pucker bush and doing the famous "Flying W" over the handle bars.
View attachment 1715878427 Another friend of mine that he was riding with rode back to where I was parked and led me out to the scene. I could tell his shoulder was messed up. He was kinda propped up against the bush screaming "It's my leg! It's my leg!" "No Bill, it's not your leg." :lol: He wound up in one of those half body casts with his arm across his chest. In the desert, during the summer. Just before the cast came off, it was all we could do to get within 5' of him because of the pungent odor :lol:.

Nope, no cast. But they did put a order in for some morphine. Safer than opioid! Hey, what the heck, she's 95.