My Feelings

And what crap are kids learning in public schools? Know any teachers? I know more than a few that teach in public schools.
As far as colleges counseling students with hurt feelings, thats a new one for me.
Parents have the responsibility to raise and guide their own children. Schools should teach and they do but id implore anyone who cares to talk to a few pubic school teachers and learn about what a shitty poor job so many parents today do raising their children. Out of control ,no discipline , no values disrespectful brats and its not just a few, its a lot.
So maybe the parents are the ones who need some idiotic board game and not the kids
You're spot on and I've seen it first hand. Parents nowadays blame everything on someone else. Nothing, but nothing is ever their precious child's fault. Whenever I got called to school, my son knew well in advance that he was guilty before I ever got there. No way in hell did I ever go up there looking for a way it wasn't his fault, because it always was. It all starts in the home. Every stinkin bit of it. It's not the schools job to raise kids and that's what's going on. We're getting citizens that the GOVERNMENT wants us to have. Plain and simple.