Does anyone on this forum own an EV. Be honest!

The big issue I see is car chargers. They are about 9.6 to 11.5 kW EACH.

For instance 11.5kW charger takes a 60 amp supply breaker in your electrical panel. You got space for another 60 amps ?? Take a peak in your panel some day.

Now, what if you have two electric cars? Most single family homes have two vehicles, right? Charging overnight simultaneously, will need 120 amps of breaker space.

That might force an average 1200 sqft home with central A/C system into a 400 amp electric panel. Even more likely with electric oven and dryer.

A 400 amp panel is expensive and needs the electric company to increase the service wire or cable size. There might be additional cost, on top of the new panel, incurred to homeowner to do that.

Now... what if you want the fast 19.2 kW fast chargers??... And you want TWO of them... you are definitely into a 400 amp panel with each charger requiring a 100 amp breaker. And you'll very possibly need electric company infrastructure change so your lights don't flicker when you are charging those HUGE electric charging loads at night.

BTW, those 19.2 kW charger are $2k each. Just a side note.
Well and as right as you are about this, what about the grid feeding it? That's the thing in a nutshell. What I DO NOT see is the local power company out here "times 4-ing" the capacity of the local grid, .......and.....then...........what feeds THAT??

And it ain't just the cars charging. CA is trying to get houses "all electric." Bidet has mentioned that. They want to get combustion fuels out of the homes. I tell you, the grid cannot support that crap.