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my 24" header mufflers "should" be here today and if so, I will be driving it to auto shop to get it looked at. My teacher recommended not to buy jets yet until we verify the power valve is fine. He thinks the 67's sound pretty ok for my current setup.
Spend a couple $ on Mike Urich & Bill Fisher's Holley Carburetors or the slightly later version. Holley Carburetors and Manifolds HP Books. Holley part No 36-73.
Or if not those then Urich's smaller Holley 4150/60 book
They has good illustrations identifying all of the passages and basic concepts. Find a used copy cheap, I think its one of the better books to start with even though it has some self promotion.

Next best are the Chrysler's Master Tech "Carburetor Fundamentals" 1966 or 1970
You can find those at
Master Technician Service Conference - Chrysler's Training for Mechanics

or in different format (pdf)