
I wanted a over head gantry type crane. As much as I hate to admit it I considered HF's crane
Thin wall tubing, crap welds, bolted together , and no stores in my area have it in stock
Same with Eastwood which looks like the exact same crane
I was going to put up a pavilion in the backyard and the guy doing the work and I decided on 4x4 steel tubing so I bought the tubing, cut it to size and fabbed the base plates and plates to weld on top to hold the headers
The job didnt work out and now im doing 6x6 wood
So I was stuck with this tubing.
My garage is small and my car when parked will be under this crane so I decided to use the tubing and make my own with a ten foot span. The tubing is 3/16 wall and I used 2x2 sq tubing as bracing
I drilled the holes for the casters the other day and while moving the upright legs which would be basically 10 feet, that being 7 foot and a three foot leg like a Tee of the tubing plus the 2x2 supporters it slipped out of my hands and struck my leg right above the knee
My wife insisted I go to urgent care yesterday, it hurts like hell and I can't hardly bend my knee
Of course now its your 70 and you cant do this anymore, I call BS on that.
The truth is after a lifetime of doing what I do, my hands are not as good, stuff slips out and I must be more mindful of that, I wrote in cursive growing up and can hardly do that now
Next week im going to get this younger guy I mentored to help me set this thing up and I'll weld the ten foot span on.
No mig here, all stick welded with 7018
I didnt go with a I beam or trolly. Its only ten foot and if I need to move anything heavy over I can walk it over with another chain fall
I kept it simple and will post pics when its together