In their infinite wisdom....

I enjoyed the comments phreakish made about design. There are damn few manufacturer's any more that really care about quality. It seems their main drivers are price point and if it can make it out of warranty. But who is to blame? The American consumer. Case in point, Saylor-Beall is probably the best air compressor made. When was the last time you saw one? Why? Because it isn't even close to the chinesium varieties in cost. Second case in point, I'm at NAPA and a guy is buying an oil filter. Counterman says they have two qualities, which does he want? Asks how much price difference. Answer: about 1$. He say's he'll take the cheaper one. A car costing thousands of dollars and he wouldn't spend $1 more for a better filter. We are our own worst enemy.

I bought a brand new Quincy four cylinder, two stage compressor a year and a half ago. I could have spent more, but this was in my budget, barely. It should outlive me...