Just an update from Jeff....

His idea of a car is what keeps him from walking!! or gets him to the pizza store!!!

Ugh sounds like my younger (middle) brother. He's moving to Japan in a few weeks, he's looking forward to not having a car anymore. As much as I'm into cars and engines he's, well, not lol. I think there's hope with my youngest brother though he's a lot more proactive and on-the-ball about vehicle maintenance. Not much of an enthusiast but at least he gives a damn lol.

It's strange, for the most part people my age are losing interest in cars and looking to other forms of transportation but at the same time there are currently more young car enthusiasts than I've ever seen in my (relatively short) life so far. At least from my personal experience. I'm gradually seeing more kids in their teens and early twenties driving around 70s-80s-90s cars and trucks and it warms my heart.