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All four of my grandparents were Dutch. I'm ashamed to say that all the Dutch I have is the odd expression my mother used, and now that she's gone, I don't have any.....
It was a point of pride, with the older generation

They might have spoken their native tongue at home, but as soon as they'd head out the door, they'd speak English

I'm the exact opposite (mostly because all my family still lives in the netherlands)
So when I moved here I decided I was gonna teach my kids Dutch

The oldest is 12 and almost fluent
The 8 year old doesn't take to it to well
And the 4 year old is at a place where she hasn't figured out what words belong to who, so she speaks dutchgrish

My boy made some new friends a while ago and they were in the same situation you are, descendants but only grandma still spoke it
Wouldn't you know it, one day my boy is over at their place and grandma shows up...and they end up having a conversation in Dutch

It made that ladies day