Last one to post in this thread wins!

Remember the days after the march 66 storm. Climbed the snow bank in back yard and was tobogganing off the roof of the old man’s house. Remember him crawling out a bedroom window to shovel the door out because he couldn’t push open either door. Most snow I’ve ever seen.
I was a little young to remember March '66, but I have heard lots of stories and seen plenty of pictures of it. I do remember the ones from around '78 or so, and '86 and March '97, which brought us the flood a few weeks after, when East Grand Forks N.D. was wiped out. My house backed onto the Seine River in St. Vital, at the peak of the flooding I was able to paddle my canoe over my fence and across the Niakwa and Windsor Park golf courses. We were put on 24 hour evacuation notice for a period of 3 or 4 days, but my house was never really threatened.