727 valve body

Here's some information on the part numbers shown in post 11.These are trade numbers from the transmission rebuilders association. You'll find them in many aftermarket transmission parts catalogs. Many of the numbers are casting or stamped numbers found on the parts. Companies like Transtar disassemble cores and sell the good used parts to transmission shops. The actual Chrysler valve body part number for PK4058395 is #4202633. This number was used on all non-lockup 727's from 1981 thru 1985. In 1986 thru 1989 the original number superseded to 4348763, which is interchangeable with the earlier number. So this means that the valve body from any truck from 1981 thru 1989 with a 727 non-lockup transmission can be used.
Thanks Towsend for the great information! This helps open up the field to finding a vb