A Good Article About The Drawbacks Of Electric Vehicles

I have MANY expensive cordless tools, they perform wonderfully, IF You have a back-up battery or two to swap out on the spot. HOWEVER, I just put a water pump on a Friend's LS powered Silverado outside at 35degF, & the Mac/DeWalt 3/8" gun barely finished the job on a fully charged batt. That's sharing duties on that job w/a Matco 1/4" gun. Both almost killed them completely on a relatively easy job, and that goes the same for the mower & 16" chainsaw, the battery output/life is easily cut almost in half when the temps plunge.
Let the clueless electro-fan boys start cooing & wooing their goo while coming to the futile aid of this horrible idea, repeating the hypnosis induced chant.....it's the future...it's the future.....