Fuel pump choices?

Good advice from 12many.

Disagree that there are better quality pumps. That thinking might come from the fact the Carter elec pumps are cheaper than most others. They are cheap because the design is incredibly simple, self aligning brgs, only two seals, & they are cheap to make.

512 ci @ 6000 rpm requires about 42 gph [ assuming 80% VE at 6k, & 80% is being generous ] with correct A/F ratio.

The Carter 4600 series are rated at 100 gph, so this would supply more than enough fuel with a very healthy safety margin. You could probably also use the 4594, 72 gph, with free flowing lines & filter.

It makes NO sense using a pump that is larger than needed because the pump just works harder dead-heading against the regulator....& wears out quicker.