Valve job on os valves

0.066/ 0.069 (as 68 Barracuda had said) not much difference there. When I got the call to ask how much I wanted shaved off that head, I was driving and rounded it off to 0.007 per cc, to make for "easy, in my head" math.. That was how I came up with the figure of a 0.070 shave. they told me that my head had CC'd out at 60 cc before any shave. They still had it, just finished doing the seat work and such so I asked them to CC at least 1 chamber for me. after that shave I'm down to 48 cc on the smallest, (2 chambers) 49cc (2 more) and 50cc (the other 2) by my own CC measurements once I got it back/ so 70 thou got me about 10cc difference. I think they only CCd one chamber, before calling me.

the machinist had also said, that it measured out exactly what his machinist books listed a "447" casting /6 head, should measure out at. (before the shave)