Pet Peeves - Lets get complaining!

TICKETS FOR SEATBELTS!!!! I just got one about 2-1/2 hours ago. .... Minding my own biz, just driving home from work, stopped for stop sign (as it said to do) signaled, , made left turn. 3 blocks later... gumballs.
Reason for pulling me over was ONLY given as the seat belt. No speeding, no driving erratic, no failed stop, no "faulty equipment", no. just a damned seat belt/
"Oh we are on a detail today" More well known as a FUNDRAISER/ that I now have no choice, but to contribute to. They should NOT be able to pull someone over solely for that "offense" Why can't they wait til I'm doing something wrong, to hassle me? ? $164, and the idiots downstate made it a "moving" violation so it carries points now, just like a speeding ticket.
if I was to go to court with all their trumped up BS "court costs" that if you read thru the list, none really have anything to do with the costs of running that building, were talking closer to $300. Maybe more by now. all because of surcharges on top of surcharges for "document storage", "women's rape assistance program", etc. What does that have to do, with the cost of holding court? NOTHING> Also guarantees I will be taking the damned test, when I have to renew my license the next time. over a freaking SEAT BELT. ..... any accident or moving violation does that here. "court supervision" or not. This one used to be a $50 non moving violation. which still pissed me off. I got nailed by a county sheriffs deputy. They have much larger fish to fry. Like people who constantly cant wait for someone to turn in front of them and cross the double yellow and go into the turn lane to pass the person slowing down to turn. I have nearly been hit head on several times when turning into my neighborhood while headed east. cuz people cant wait for others who turn into it from the west to complete their turn, instead they use the turn lane as a "universal passing lane". Why don't they go sit near my house, and nail people for that? Definitely something more dangerous. and they would get at leasta s many "customers as on a Bullshit seat belt detail.

I am beyond livid. Enough that I now also have a hole in my living room wall that I have to fix, and some bloody knuckles. something that before today, I have never done before. All over petty BS, that they should NOT be allowed to penalize a person for/ at least not as a "reason to stop"... If they get ya for something else? and you aren't cooperative? Maybe as an "oh by the way" What's next? Ticket for jeans too faded? They don't like your shirt?
My son couldn't piss me off, no matter what he did as a kid, nearly as badly as getting a ticket does. NOTHING. I haven't had one in several years, for anything....but I was also the guy going 45 in a 45 and got nailed for supposedly going 60..... about 20 years ago. I went to court on that one and was told,
"I was there, (in that courtroom at that time) had that yellow slip, shut up and pay, I have heard it all, I ain't listening to anymore stories from anybody" (true story, what the "judge" said, when I got up there that time.... not very "judge-ly"....Everyone was "guilty" in that room, whether they really were or not.

and at the top of the ticket, it says "PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, vs" ME. I am a person of this state, all my 54 years so far. I even work for the state. I ain't against myself. My wife, son, neighbors, all people of the State of Illinois. NONE against me. so they oughtta throw it out right there.
I do have 1 question; The ticket says I was stopped at 3:18 PM. That cannot be as I was still 30 miles away still at work until 3:30. so I could not have been there where I got stopped, at 3:18/ and I just set my clock in my Dakota this morning in the parking lot at work to the same time as my phone said. According to both it was 4:09 when I got pulled over. Technacality? Yeah. But if it gets me out of this, so what.
I WAS in a good mood when I left work. WAS. I was gonna go out in the garage and work out there, Not today, any more.
I have been stopped before. Not in at least a 1/2 dozen years. I thought they usually asked if you'd been stopped, had a ticket recently before that instance. Nope,. was never brought up. no chance to say anything. He was gonna ticket me "no matter what" before he even had me stopped. No chance of a warning. nope. FRY FRY FRY.
Sorry, but that ticket was legit. The law is the law. We can't pick and choose which laws we follow and which ones we ignore. Whether you agree with a law or not, the police have a right, and an obligation to enforce it.