Cat Piss.

Someone's cat got into the garage and pissed all in my Barracuda. The smell is unbearable. I'm going to pull out the seats, padding, and carpet this weekend and deep clean it. Anyone ever deal with this bullshit? What did you use? (for the cat and the piss)
The best enzymes for pet urine is at a cleaning supply retailer/wholesale dist for cleaning supplies.. I have used the enzyme to remove some really large areas.Some that were in vehicle and other in rental hoe second floors where is soacked down into the wood flooring.. Literally reaked everywhere in this large home form the pet urinating in a few spots in the home..

You may have to treat it 2-3 times .. If you have a good local carpet cleaner apartment maintenance guy/gal they can purchase for you and will know what to get you.. Good luck.. I would trap the cat and relocate it (Havahart cage and cat food fish etc) Will catch anything.. Now what you do with your catch- Whether in this world or some else's is up to you