Pet Peeves - Lets get complaining!

Have one a hole neighbor now, lately he's been ok though the last 7 years have been a challenge. His house has been a "work in progress", going on 9 years now.
Around 2003 I had moved to a new place, well established neighborhood, and I needed to build a fence to contain my 2 shepherd/husky mix dogs.I didn't want any help with the cost of it from any of the neighbors, and never asked for a dime.
I am down to the last 10 feet or so, when the idiot next door comes out, carrying a stick with a few lines drawn on it, and holds it up to the side of his house, to the edge of my fence. Now, I've been working alone on this fence for 3 days,10 to 12 hours a day, in 95* heat, but this day my asshole brother is over giving me a little bit of help.
Neighbor says, "hey, your fence is a half inch over the property line".
I looked at my brother and walked away, he says to the neighbor, "your tree is overhanging into my brother's yard". Next thing I see is the idiot, on a ladder, hacking down the branches that are overhanging my fence, and dropping them right on the fence. I picked them up and threw them at him.
A year later, I had a crew pouring a new driveway, dipstick kept walking over and talking with the crew, asking a million questions, and complaining about their trailer being parked on the street across from his house. To their credit, they ignored him, and carried on working. Onthe 4th day, the idiot's wife backed her brand new car into the trailer, she admitted that she didn't see it and accepted the responsibility. Then the idiot decided that he was going to be the hero and came out screaming and swearing at the crew for parking the trailer there. Then the foreman showed up, he was about 50 years old, built like a heavyweight boxer, looked at the idiot, and told him that he could either call the police, or shut his trap and go back inside his house. All I could do was laugh at old half an inch, as I was calling him by then.

Just be glad it wasn't 3.75".
