Here's Number 10

22 years for a cat is getting up there, must be treated very well. Good on your son.
She's getting stronger. She eats 2-3 small cans of wet cat food a day. (She doesn't have the teeth for dry.) And will bug the crap out of me until I at least share a taste what I'm eating. (She doesn't take the answer "no" very well) Any people food has to be shredded so she can eat. Chicken, Turkey, pork. And she really likes burgers. Steak is a little tough for her to down. But will give it the college try.

I at times house sits a friend's pit bull. She is a nice dog. But has been known not to like cats. The dog looks at the cat with an obvious look on her face. "That cat is pathetic. I can't be mean to that?" So they just sniff each other and walk in different directions.

I think im stuck with the white fur shedding monstrosity for eternity.