Holley Strip Dominator vs. Edelbrock Victor 340

After you’ve done some baselining, get yourself a die grinder and some burrs and have at it. Smooth out the bumps and bulges that are in the 3/5 and 4/6 short turn radius’s and outside radius’s of the same runners at a minimum, do a port/gasket match, blend it up into the runners some, work the plenum carb flange to runners as you see fit. Burr finish or roll it with some 40 or 60 grit, whatever. Here’s some eye candy, nothing shown that hasn’t been done by others here or elsewhere, a couple of little details applied as has been mentioned by Vizard, Weingartner and Speier. Can’t wait to run this thing and see the results.

3/1 and 2/4 runners (note 1/2 divider: 1 knife edge/ 2 radius detail per Vizard/Weingartner)

6/8 and 7/5 runners (note 7/5 divider: 7 knife edge/ 5 radius detail per as above)

7/5/3/1 runners




