Pet Peeves - Lets get complaining!

The lottery/cigarette purchaser ahead of me at the gas station that waits until the clerk comes back to the register each time to ask for the second, third, fourth and fifth ticket, and again for the second, third and fourth pack of cigarettes, each time to discover they are either out of that obscure brand that took 3 minutes to locate the empty rack for, or that they don't even sell them, then has to decide if they want "100's" of the same brand (they never do, even after a lengthy deliberation), and has by this time, scratched off the first ticket, and possibly won $2, with which they then proceed to ponder which additional two tickets they will select.

Sometimes, at this point the clerk will tell them they must complete the first transaction and step aside, at which point the other now 15 customers stretching to the back of the store all collectively exhale a sigh of relief.